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Surveying Railroad Yard Trains REAL PHOTO PC
Item #437297893
Collectibles:Paper:Postcards:Real Photo
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Currently $26.00 First bid $9.99
Quantity 1 # of bids 7 bid history | with emails
Time left Auction has ended. Location Tucson, AZ
Country/Region USA/Phoenix
Started Sep-13-00 11:03:03 PDT envelope mail this auction to a friend
Ends Sep-23-00 11:03:03 PDT [Gift Alert] request a gift alert
Seller (Rating) azarrow (60) star
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High bid renodave (264) star
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This real photo postcard is a wonderful piece of railroad nostalgia. It shows three young engineer/surveyors with their equipment in a railroad yard, while a train engineer watches from the engine of an old locomotive. The card, which has an undivided back, was never mailed, but the date Sept. 1910 and the names of the three men - Baum, Savidis and Collier - are written on the top of the card. I'm not sure if they were working for the railroad or the government at this time, but I do know that a few years later Collier worked for the government on a survey of all railroads in the country in anticipation of WWI. Notice the bell on the train engine in the background.
The card is printed in a dark brown color and is very clear with lots of detail which is hard to see in the scanned image. It is in excellent condition.

USA Buyer to pay $1.00 s/h, plus insurance if desired.
International shipping charge to be determined.
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