
(UPDATED March 2004)


(Unique Gurley Mountain & Mining Compass)

Prior to the internet age, collecting surveying instrument, catalogues and books involved a lot of work.  A collector had to visit antique stores, garage sales, flea markets and old bookstores.  The internet changed everything.  Buyers and sellers can find each on-line 24 hours a day.

The migration to the internet has had a very significant impact on prices of old instruments and books.  The prices for common items such as books by Breed and modern instruments have tumbled.   These things are always available on-line, so collectors find no reason to pay a significant sum for them.  Buyers control the market here, since sellers are plentiful.

Rare instruments and books have increased in price.  A seller with an uncommon item will find many interested buyers.  Bidding wars occur when this happens. 

As you will see, most of the MarketWatch database comes from transactions occurring on Ebay, which is an internet auction service.  Ebay is way ahead of the other internet auctions services.  Take a look - click here to go to Ebay.  

Here's our database of transactions.  Enjoy.

(Please note that the files ending in ".pdf" are adobe accrobat files, and are 100k to 500k in size) 











Instrument Catalogues        Textbooks        Government Materials        Pictures        Misc


Old Compleat Surveyor Catalogs (in .pdf format)

1995 (900k download)

Special Edition 1995 (900k download)

1996 (900k download)

1997 (900k download)

1998 (900k download)


Old Surveying Related Catalogues By Other Dealers

Perceptions Scientifica (Dale Beeks  1985 - 1991)

Historical Technology Inc (1971-1987)

Scientific Americana (Spring 1984 - 1.4mb pdf file)

Dunlap Enterprises Inc (1979-1981)