From Leybourn's The Compleat Surveyor in 1722
ZACHARIAH JESS, A Compendious System of Practical Surveying, and Dividing of Land: Concisely Defined, Methodically Arranged, and Fully Exemplified. The Whole Adapted for the Easy and Regular Instruction of Youth in our American Schools. (Wilmington, Bonsal and Niles, 1799), 221 pages of text plus 151 pages of mathematical tables. Size is 5.25 inches by 8.5 inches.
Jess was a schoolmaster in Wilmington and apparently taught surveying. He felt the existing texts focused too much on the theory and offered few examples. Jess wanted to change that. To avoid "swelling the work and increasing the price," he omitted giving descriptions of surveying instruments. Jess Surveying Books are very uncommon.
Here is Bud's review of Jess' 1799 Survey textbook.
Price: SOLD
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