This is a wonderful Lietz Model 12 Mountain and Mining Transit. The pics do not convey how small this instrument is. The needle is 2.5 inches, the horizontal circle is 4 inches, and the main telescope is 8 inches. The base actually adds a good deal to the height and bulk of the transit. Attached below are pics from a Lietz manual giving the specs of the instrument.
One of my favorite things about this little instrument - Lietz made the instrument so that it lays in its box rather than stands upright. A very cool feature in my opinion.
The optics on both scopes are good, with all cross and stadia hairs present (only the main scope has stadia hairs). The caps and sunscreens are present as well.
The transit comes complete with its box and tripod, as shown below.
Lietz Model 12 Mountain and Mining Transits that have the extra scope rarely pop up for sale, and this is a very nice one.
Please see my Lietz Makers Webpage for more information about Lietz.
$1300 (Postpaid) - Email Russ
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