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Benjamin Chandlee - Baltimore - Circa 1815

Beautiful Compass Made by Goldsmith Chandlee's Son - Benjamin

360 Degree Spinner View - with Zoom Option
(Zoom with your mouse scroll wheel or with the magnifying glass in the spinner menu bar. Unzoom to regain control of the 360 degree spinner).

$4000 (Postpaid) - Email Russ

This is a very beautiful instrument with a very pleasing patina. Benjamin apprenticed and worked for his dad, Goldsmith Chandlee, for years. Goldsmith apparently delegated most of the surveying and clock work to his workers. So Benjamin likely made many of the compasses bearing Goldsmith's name. So it shouldn't be surprising that when Benjamin moved to Baltimore his compasses had the same look and feel as the compasses he made for his dad's signature.

This compass has all of the trademarks of a great (Goldsmith) Chandlee Compass - Wonderful Engraving, the Poles Counter, and the L-T Table.

Note - The adapter is a modern re-creation by Jeff Lock, who was extremely skilled at reproducing and then placing patina on replacement parts.

Please see my
Benjamin Chandlee - Balt Makers Webpage for more info about this instrument maker. You should also take a look at my Chandlee Family Collector's Guide (especially the Goldsmith Chandlee webpages discussing the Pole Counters and L-T Tables).

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