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Lebbeus Dod Minute Compass - Circa 1790

From the Dale Beeks Collection

This Circa 1760 Aaron Miller Compass is a special compass for a number of reasons.

This 18th c minute compass was made by Lebeus Dodd during his early years in Newark. I'm sure the set was made for military mapmaking and the lid was once complete with mapping instruments. (I see the parallel rules for sale occasionally but the chance of them fitting the case would be minimal). The Dodd family has a rich history (see Bedini With Compass & Chain). Note the minute compass (complete) has the same features as the Farr, with a minute scale on the face and the lever below the compass plate, as well as a pendulum inclinometer and ball and socket joint with cutout for vertical alignment. This compass came with this drawing set in a shagreen case. Some of the drawing instruments are newer but the ones with the tiny ram's-horn screws, as well as all the rulers are original.

Instruments made by the Dod family (Lebbeus and his children) rarely appear for sale, and are expensive. I could find only one sale of a Lebbeus Dod instrument on the internet - a 2008 sale (right after The Crash) of a plain compass for $3750 at Skinner.

SOLD - Email Russ

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